24 Products

Thank you for visiting our store. We are on spring holidays until 05.04.2025. Magnolia is coming back to you with even more beautiful products starting from 05.04. You can start ordering your favorite things again. For any questions, please, contact us at info@magnoliasilk.com
  • silk bedding navy blue

    Sleeping on a silk sheet is one of the best luxuries in life. Just imagine a soft silk touch on your smooth skin. Priceless. It’s like having a spa without actually leaving your home. Once you get your silk sheet, you will dream all day long about the moment when you can finally go to your bed.

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  • silk bedding purple

    Sleeping on a silk sheet is one of the best luxuries in life. Just imagine a soft silk touch on your smooth skin. Priceless. It’s like having a spa without actually leaving your home. Once you get your silk sheet, you will dream all day long about the moment when you can finally go to your bed.

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  • - 15 % Alennus

    Milloin viimeksi tilasit jotain, joka todella otti sinut sanattomaksi? Me tiedämme, että tämä yhdistelmä tekee sinusta sanattoman kauneutensa takia.

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  • - 18 % Alennus

    Tämä taivaallinen tyynyliina hyväilee ihoasi hellästi, yleellisen silkin kosketuksella. Jos et ole vielä kokeillut silkistä tehtyä tyynyliinaa, suosittelemme varmasti kokeilemaan!

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